Sleep Hygiene for a Better Sleep 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, sleep problems started to affect more people every day. From anxiety to eating patterns, numerous factors affect our sleep. However, with accurate sleep hygiene, we can easily regulate our sleep. 

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene refers to practices that aid in getting a good night's sleep. The most telling indicators of poor sleeping hygiene include having trouble falling asleep, having regular sleep disturbances, and feeling sleepy during the day. Bad sleep hygiene can also manifest itself in a lack of consistency in sleep quantity or quality.

These are some tips and tricks you can include for a better sleep hygiene.


  • Comfortable bed and pillow: Our bed and pillow affect our sleep more than we can imagine. If you are not comfortable with them, you should change them as soon as possible. 
  • Clean and fresh sheets 
  • Cooler bedroom temperature
  • Dark and quiet bedroom: We need darkness for a good sleep. So, the lights should be off and thick curtains should be used if necessary. 

Sleep Routine 
Sleep routine consists of both our daily and bedtime habits. 

  • Eating healthy and regular meals during the day.
  • Drinking water 
  • Being physically active
  • Being exposed to daily light: Getting direct sunlight helps regulate our circadian rhythm. 
  • Using yellow lights in the house. 
  • Avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the afternoon.  
  • Ending screen time at least 1 hour before bedtime: Phones, TVs and laptops emit blue lights that decrease our melatonin release which in return makes it harder to fall asleep. 
  • Avoiding heavy meals before bedtime
  • Using the only the bedroom for sleep
  • Getting up after 20 minutes if you can fall asleep: But this doesn’t mean watching TV or surfing online. You can walk around the house, take a hot shower or doing small relaxation exercises. 
  • Going to bed and getting up at the same time. 

Sleep hygiene can be different for everyone. You need to choose the right schedule and activities for yourself. 

Written by

Deniz Akdeniz (Psychologist)

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